Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas

This weekend we tried to get the house ready to start painting and changing up some of the rooms. I am ready for a change and I will start with my house!! We are going to start with our bedroom first because in the six years that we have lived here we have never even focused on our room so we figure it's about time. The boys room, Kenna's room, entry way, both bathrooms, and the living room so pretty much all rooms will be getting new paint and some updating. All this needs to be done but we are also getting the house ready to put on the market, we have always said we would do it this spring but we need to decide whether we are going to buy an existing or build a custom because that will definetly be a factor in when we list. The kids are so excited to do their rooms, we let them pick out their colors and they thought that was so cool. Well off to play on the internet and try and get more ideas, I am driving Russell nuts with all the ideas I have but my creative juices are flowing and I can't stop now!

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